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What is Vendi?

Vendi automates your prospecting, using an autonomous AI-powered platform that identifies, analyzes and verifies top-tier accounts and relevant contacts for you, so that you receive a daily stream of ready-to-engage, high-value prospects, saving you time and accelerating your business growth.

How does Vendi select potential prospects for my business?

Vendi starts by understanding your business, and your ideal customer profile. Our platform use this information to narrow down potential prospects to the top few percent that best match your criteria. This ensures that the leads you receive are the most valuable potential clients for your business.

For a detailed technical description, see "How Vendi Determines High-Value Companies for Your Business".

Do you have a sample data set?
Can Vendi guarantee the accuracy of the contact details provided?

Yes, we've developed a unique verification method that guarantees 100% accuracy of the email addresses we provide. This means you can say goodbye to guessing and bounced emails. We even locate contact details that aren't publicly available, giving you an exclusive edge.

How much does it cost?

Pricing is variable based on how fast you want to grow your business— optimized to get you meetings at your target “cost per lead”.

Vendi will suggest a budget based on your business goals, target cost per meeting, account value, and so on– but it's ultimately up to you.

Create free account and set your targets for Vendi to recommend a plan for your business or read more about pricing here.

How is the data delivered to me?

Vendi delivers data in a structured format that's ready for immediate use. It's organized into categories such as company information, decision-maker contacts, and relevant insights. This data is neatly compiled and can be easily imported into your CRM or other sales tools, ensuring a seamless integration into your daily workflow.

See Google Sheet for example data set.

How much time and effort is needed from me?

None. Vendi is entirely autonomous. The entire process runs in the background, on autopilot, 24/7, every day of the year— and zero-work is required on your part.  So, you're always ahead of the game with fresh, relevant prospects to grow your business.

It's software that works for you, rather than the other way around.

Who are you, who built this?

Vendi is founded by a team of entrepreneurs that built Willa ($30M raised), Relatable (Acquired), and Rebel & Bird (Acquired). Connect on LinkedIn to learn more.

Where are you based?

Vendi is founded by a team co-located in Stockholm, Sweden and Los Angeles, California.

Is there a demo?

We'll do you one better. Ceate an account to see Vendi in action.

I want to learn even more...

Well then, let's talk. Schedule some time to chat with one of our co-founders in Los Angeles or Stockholm.

We’ll explore your goals, how you get business today, and who your dream clients are.

We’ll demo Vendi in real time with your company. It's interactive onboarding and takes ten minutes. You’ll get a chance to ask questions and get to know our team.

If you like what you see and If Vendi aligns with your needs, you'll be all set to start feeding your business with high-value accounts.

Unlike other SaaS platforms, there’s no learning curve. The technology works for you, rather than the other way around.